6 Tips to Get Your Business Started on Facebook

This entry is part 2 of 5 in the series Social Media God's Way

In the last post, we talked about tips for honoring God with your social media marketing. If you miss that post, you can read it here.

When it comes to social media platforms there are so many out there, it might feel overwhelming trying to figure out where to start. How do you know which platform to use? Which one will be the best use of your time.

Now contrary to what some might believe, your business does not have to be on every single platform out there. We recommend starting with just three (3) platforms.

Choosing Social Media Platforms

How do you choose which three (3) to start? By looking at the type of business you have and where your target audience likes to hang out. For instance, if your business is primarily B2B and you’re talking to other industry professionals all day, then LinkedIn will be an excellent choice for you.

You also have to take into consideration who your target audience is and where they hang out the most. If your target audience is mainly on Instagram and you’re posting on Twitter all day, you going to end up wasting a lot of time, energy, and even money.

However, remember Tip #1 from our previous post? Filter every suggestion through God’s lenses. Seek Him and His wisdom. Remember His strategies may not always make sense to us; so, listen closely and lean on His understanding not your own.

Today, we’re taking a look at one of the largest and most popular social media platforms out there, Facebook and sharing six (6) tips to get your business started on this platform.

Tips For Using Facebook For Your Business

Facebook Business Page

The first and most important thing you need to know about using Facebook for your business is you will need to create a business page. You can NOT use your personal Facebook account for your business. Do NOT make this mistake. It violates Facebook’s Terms of Service, which could get your account shut down, and you wouldn’t be able to use any of the features meant for businesses, such as creating ads and boosting posts.

Contact Info & Responding to Messages

You want to make sure all your info is current and up to date. Got a new phone number? Update it on your business page. The last thing you want is for a potential client or customer to call you only to get a message stating the number has been disconnected.

Make sure to respond to all comments or messages on your page in a timely fashion. This helps to develop a relationship between you and your target audience, and build up their trust. It shows that you care and they can rely on you to respond to any of their questions or concerns.

Be Consistent

Every business is going to be different in terms of how often they post, what days or times, and that’s fine. You don’t need to follow some “expert’s advice” on how often or when to post, but it’s important that you’re consistent with your posts. This will help your audience know when to expect new content from you and increases the chances of them engaging with and sharing your content on Facebook and other social media platforms. Don’t forget to reciprocate the gratitude and share others’ content on your page as well.

Get Personal

You’ve probably heard it said that people buy from people, especially those they know, like, and trust, right? Well, how do you get them to know, like, and trust you? Get personal, share your story, remind them there’s a person behind your brand. You don’t have to share your deepest, darkest fears or an embarrassing childhood memory. You can share something related to your business, just make it a little personal.

Call to Action

What do you want people to do? Comment on your post? Share your video? Sign up for your email list? Tell them. You’ll be surprised how much engagement you’ll get just by telling others what you want them to do.

Facebook Lives

Facebook lives are a great way for your audience to engage with you. Remember how we talked about that know, like, and trust factor? Video is the quickest way to build on that.

Tips for Going Live

Schedule your live videos ahead of time, so your followers are aware, and you can build anticipation for the live.

  1. Make sure you have a reliable internet connection. Nothing is worse than having your video dropped in the middle of your talk.
  2. Greet each commenter by name and respond to their comments or questions.
  3. Stay live for longer periods of time. The longer your video is live, the more chances you have for others to see it and engage with you.
  4. Use lives for different types of content: Q & A, topic discussions, sharing a personal story, interview with someone, etc.

Social media can be overwhelming, but with these tips, filtered through God’s lenses, you’re sure to get started in the right direction. What are your best tips for using Facebook for your business? Comment below!

To your success!

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