A Virtual Assistant Becoming a Blogger

A Virtual Assistant Becoming a Blogger

I have been dragging my heels in regards to becoming a blogger.  Due to its growing popularity and becoming a great publicity tool, I’m jumping on the bandwagon.  I am a Virtual Assistant and owner of RJ’s Word Processing Services.  I specialize in word processing services, in addition to other offerings.  Go here for a list of services I offer.

I also have a degree in Marketing from Arizona State University.  When I graduated from ASU in 1998, blogging was not a marketing or publicity tool.  In addition, I don’t consider myself to be a writer.  From my research of blogging, I discovered that it is not necessary to be a writer in order to be a blogger.  Everyone has something to talk about.  Why not write about it.

I will continue my ride on the bandwagon of bloggers to see where it will take me.  If you are a small business owner and/or Virtual Assistant still standing on the sidelines, your competition are becoming bloggers.  As a marketer, I suggest you join me on the bandwagon of bloggers and start blogging.

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