Step Two: Building Your Reputation

Step Two:  Building Your Reputation

This is our second step in our lesson on Using LinkedIn for Business.  Go here to read Step One: Setting up your Profile.

You have already started to build your reputation and niche authority by joining the right groups, as well as including your best keywords in your Summary and asking for recommendations, but there is a lot more you can do.

LinkedIn’s “Answers” section

Another useful way to set yourself up quickly as an expert is to provide valuable responses to questions asked in LinkedIn’s Answers section:

You will notice you (and others) can Search Answers. You can ask a question. You can see a list of the latest questions requesting answers. You can also view a list of your own questions-and-answers (something that can come in handy if you want to jog your memory for post ideas).

You can also see which questions and categories:

  • Generate a high rate of interaction and response
  • Fall flat and remain ignored

Now, granted, the example with 0 answers was only just posted nine minutes earlier . . . but so was the question that gathered 29 answers.

Monitoring new questions over a period of time does give a clearer indication of how popular they are.

Simply going to Answers and viewing the featured Questions in its feed can provide you with valuable clues about where to focus your energy.

If a particular Category is highly active, explore that Category. Build your expert status by creating strong Questions, or answering them, for that particular Category (making sure, of course, that you are picking a category that is relevant to your business mission).

We will look at more ways to build your reputation in our upcoming webinar.  Keep your eyes peeled to our blog for registration details.

How are you building your reputation on LinkedIn? Come back next week for our final step in this lesson: Step Three: Making the Most of LinkedIn’s Unique Features.

As always, thank you for reading. See you next week!





RJ’s Internet Marketing Services


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RJ's Digital Solutions, LLC