Email Marketing – Part II

Email Marketing – Part II

Last week we began discussing the basics of email marketing and how it can drive traffic to your website. This week we continue our discussion focusing on autoresponders, as well as some of the more popular email marketing software companies.


email marketingAutoresponders can be designed to send out information to your list at specific intervals. For example, if you are sending out a series on a specific subject; for example, How to Use Facebook Part I, How to Use Facebook Part II, How to Use Facebook Part III, etc., you can schedule each part of the series to go out consecutively on a weekly basis.

Another function of autoresponders is, it will send out the series based on when your site visitor opt-in to your list. For example, Sally submits her email information on Monday adding her name to your list. You can configure the autoresponder to send her Part 1 as soon as she opts in to your list. Part II will be emailed to Sally seven days later, Part III 14 days after that until she receives all parts of your series.

It doesn’t matter when someone signs up to receive information from you, theemail marketing autoresponder will keep track based on when your visitors opt-in. It is all automated!

You can also offer your site visitors a free gift for opting in to your list. You can configure the autoresponder to automatically send them the gift as soon as they opt-in.

Contact Management Companies:email marketing

Some well known contact management/email marketing software companies are AWeber, iContact, VerticalResponse, Constant Contact, IShoppingCart, and MailChimp. They provide the software you will need to execute your campaigns, as well as implement autoresponders. The contact management companies also provide you with the codes you need to add the signup form or box to your website and/or blog.

Email marketing can convert your mailing list to clients. Which email marketing software are you using or would recommend? Come back next week for more Internet marketing tips!

RJ’s Internet Marketing Solutions, LLC
E-mail Marketing – Part I

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RJ's Digital Solutions, LLC