How To Do Social Media God’s Way
- How To Do Social Media God’s Way
- 6 Tips to Get Your Business Started on Facebook
- Using Instagram for Business
- 8 Tips for Using LinkedIn
- Should Your Business Be On YouTube?
I’m starting a new series this year, and I’ll spend quite a bit of time talking about social media. I’m going to dive into some of the most used platforms and which ones will best suit your business. However, I’m doing things differently this time.
Before I dive into all the neat tips and tricks for using different social media platforms for your business, first I’ll talk about Kingdom principles and how to honor God with your social media marketing.
For those of you who are not Christian or don’t involve God in your business, this post probably won’t be for you. For those who do want to run a Kingdom-driven business, keep on reading as I go over four (4) tips for honoring God with your social media.
Tip #1: Forget What the Experts Say
When you’re operating your business according to Kingdom principles rather than the world’s way, there’s going to be a huge noticeable difference. You won’t be using the same strategies and formulas as the rest of the world, you’ll be using God’s. His ways are higher than ours; many times the strategies and formulas He gives us may not make sense or just seem downright silly, but His results are always far better than the world’s way.
Now, this doesn’t mean you have to completely disregard everything suggested by business coaches or other leaders in the field, but rather filter it through God’s word. Seek His wisdom and ask if the advice you may be getting is aligned with His principles and His will or not.
Tip #2: Don’t Position Yourself As The Expert
Remember we’re doing things God’s way, not the world’s way. While the world may tell you that you need to position yourself as the go-to guru in your industry; so, everyone will want to work with you, that’s not how God does things. When you position yourself this way, you help your clients foster a reliance on you, “the expert,” rather than on God. Now I’m not saying you shouldn’t share your knowledge, skills, and experience with your clients. Of course, you should that’s why you have your business, but we should always point our clients back to the true expert: God.
Think of it this way, if you have a client that is struggling with their social media strategy, by all means, help them brainstorm ideas. Share with them strategies that have worked for you or others in the past, but also direct them to seek the Lord and ask Him if any of those strategies would be a good fit for their business. This way you’re still using your knowledge and skills to help them without fostering a reliance on you instead of God.
Tip #3: Seek His Kingdom and Righteousness
In Matthew 6, we’re told not to worry about food, water, clothing, etc., because our Father in Heaven knows we need all these things, and He will be faithful to provide for us. Our focus should be on seeking His Kingdom and righteousness. This applies to our businesses as well.
Don’t worry about how many IG followers you have, or how big or small your email list is, or how well all of these things will convert into paying clients. Instead, focus on the assignment God has called you to do. Love and serve the people He has put in front of you to serve. When you do that, He’ll faithfully provide for all your needs in your business and in your life.
Tip #4: Alignment
If we’re going to honor God with our business and social media marketing, we need to align ourselves with His plans for us. Pray and seek out His will. Do not hold tightly to your plans. You won’t receive the blessings He has for you if you’re holding onto a plan that isn’t in alignment with His plan. Allow Him to move and pivot you as He sees fit.
Do not rush ahead of Him. Sometimes God reveals part of an idea or strategy for our business, and we get so excited that we jump right on it rather than asking Him if this idea is meant for now or later. We never want to get outside of His timing, because then we’re no longer in alignment with His plan.
Now that I’ve talked about the tips for honoring God with your social media, in my next post I’ll dive into six (6) tips for getting your business started on Facebook.
For now, comment below and let me know, which tip you found most helpful or which ones you plan on implementing this week.
To your success!