How to Find Your Niche – Part 4

How to Find Your Niche – Part 4
This entry is part 4 of 7 in the series How to Find Your Niche

We are continuing our discussion on How to Find Your Niche; specifically one(s) that pays. This week we’re going to look at our next step, which is Get Active in Social Networks.

Start watching and monitoring all social networks for mentions of your keyword/specific topic. Don’t neglect this step, because Groups are where you’ll really see what people are talking about – and whether or not there’s a paid product or service you could create or promote.

Facebook horse search resullts

For B2B niche focuses, LinkedIn Groups are great. You can post anchor text directly to pages on your site and offer products, if you do it within parameters and tastefully (i.e. with a focus on helping).

For hobby or lifestyle niches, for example, low carb dieting, Facebook Groups are rampant at the moment. In fact, the sheer number of groups on a topic can be a clear indicator that a specialty niche is not only strong, but active.

Follow the same steps outlined in the previous step to research niches based on your past experience and on topics you’d like to devote yourself to mastering.

In the end, however, it is still a matter to some degree of guesswork: Research plus inspiration. Stay focused on your niche specialty – and look for clues and opportunities everywhere!

Finally, once you’ve chosen a selection of likely keywords, be sure to search for them again, using qualifying words such as :

  • Buy
  • Order
  • Purchase
  • Store
  • Shop

Also look to see if there are multiple magazine articles on the topic. Unlike bloggers and online hobbyists, magazines will not invest in an article unless the topic is a money maker.

Look in the magazine racks at:

  • Barnes & Nobles
  • Discount Department Stores
  • Supermarkets

Online, check out

That’s the best way to “hit” on a strong, paying topic.

What steps did you take to find a paying niche or are you in the process of finding one? We would love to hear your experiences, ideas, thoughts, and/or suggestions. Join the conversation below by commenting in our comments section.

As I mentioned previously, in this series (How to Find Your Niche) I’ll be sharing summaries of the seven (7) steps that are included in the workbook, The Riches are in the Niches: How to Find Your Niche. Go here to pick up the full version of your workbook.

Come back next week as we continue our discussion on How to Find Your Niche. As always, thanks for reading, and please share this post by clicking on the share buttons!





RJ’s Internet Marketing Services, LLC


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RJ's Digital Solutions, LLC