Misrepresentation of Virtual Assistants

Misrepresentation of Virtual Assistants
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Rita J. Cartwright Southern, Founder

About a week ago, ABC News did a story titled “Virtual Assistants: Do They Make Life Easier.”  However, it did not accurately represent the Virtual Assistant industry.  Click here to view it.  First of all it focused on tasks that a personal assistant performs.  Secondly, the virtual assistants’  fee was $2.00 per task.

The story did not point out the different expertise (specialty) services that virtual assistants (VAs) perform.  My colleague, Tina Hilton, wrote an interesting post where she questions is the mainstream news media hurting VAs’ businesses.  They are presenting virtual assistants as someone who does personal assistant tasks, at a very low cost, which does not require being an expert.  Click here to read Tina’s post.

There are virtual assistants who provide the personal assistant services that are presented in the video, but not at $2.00 per task.  The media is painting the Virtual Assistant industry with a limited brush stroke, says Tina, which I agree with.  They are not shining the light on the rest of the industry.

According to a post in Huffington Post written by Grant Cardone, there are over 26 million people either unemployed or underemployed, and they are choosing to become entrepreneurs.  These new entrepreneurs will eventually need a Virtual Assistant.  This type of news story can give them the wrong impression.

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