The 8th Step in Starting a Start-Up

Up to this point we have discussed business ideas, as well as planning your business, all topics surrounding your new start-up. This week we will focus on you. Go here to read last week’s post, The 7th Step in Starting a Start-Up and here to read the first step in case you need to catch up. Now on to you.

Business Coach

start-upBy now you have launched your start-up, and it’s up and running. You may be thinking that you can do this alone and you can, but it’s not advisable. Look for a business coach. If you can’t afford one, some will barter with you, trading services in lieu of payments. Without a coach, it will take you much, much longer to learn what you need to learn, as well as absorb it.

Short on Cash?

Other options if you’re short on cash, is to join forums where you can learn about Internet marketing focusing on your niche. There are also membership sites where information is available on being an entrepreneur. There are free and paid versions.

When you start making money, invest in a business coach. He or she can help you and your business grow.

Do you work with a business coach? If so, has he or she helped you and your business to grow? Join the conversation by commenting below. Come back next week when we look at attracting new subscribers and then converting them to loyal clients. As always, thanks for reading!





RJ’s Internet Marketing Services


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