Up to now we’ve been discussing starting up a start-up while focusing on identifying money-making business ideas.
In our first step, we looked at coming up with a business idea. In the next step, we asked the question, does your business idea pay the bills.
This week, we will continue with how to identify money-making business ideas.
Finding a New Business
Perhaps you have successfully started up your start-up, and it is generating a nice income, but what if you are burnt out in your business and need a change of scenery?
It’s time for another brainstorming session. In our first step, we brainstormed in order to come up with a business idea. This time around, we will figure out how to start a new business without starting over.
First list your strengths and weaknesses. Then list your likes and dislikes. What type of business would make the time fly by, as well as what kind would make you procrastinate? What skills and assets do you have? Analyze your answers. The results are indicators of your best and weakest skills and interests and can give you new business ideas.
Business Model
Sometimes it’s as simple as changing your business model, but not your business. For example, my first business was word processing. This is one of my skills. I have word processing clients; however, I’m burnt out on doing word processing. So, instead of sending my clients away, I added a team member who does all of our word processing. In essence, I changed my business model, but not my business.
Have you created a start-up? If so, which step that we’ve discussed thus far are you at in your new business?
Come back next week when we look at how to create a lucrative online business. As always, thanks for reading!
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